• Expertise.
  • Dedication.
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit.



It is decisive to know the diverse procedural and substantive facets of arbitration proceedings.

In addition, the understanding of the fundamental cultural aspects of international arbitration and know-how of the industrial sectors concerned, are essential to be persuasive in arbitration proceedings.

The competence and experience gathered in over 150 commercial arbitration proceedings ensures true added value to the case.

Our expertise is your added value.


Every case receives our full attention – regardless of the amount in dispute.

The boutique will – free of conflicts of interest – devote its entire capacities to your case.

Our dedication is contribution to your success.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

The boutique takes into account the clients economic resources and needs.

We therefore offer competitive hourly-rates and encourage flat-fee agreements in order to ensure an adequate cost-benefit ratio for your case.

Our entrepreneurial spirit is your financial benefit.



Huser Arbitration & Commercial Law advises clients on all facets of the arbitral process.

Our services include pre-arbitral steps such as assessment of the prospects of success of arbitration proceedings with a careful cost-benefit analysis.

In arbitration proceedings, Huser Arbitration & Commercial Law represents the client’s interests as counsel.

The boutique also acts as co-counsel. The firm assists parties and law firms in the course of the entire arbitration or provides expertise for individual questions raised in arbitration proceedings.

The firm’s legal services extend to arbitration-related litigation proceedings such as enforcement or annulment actions before state courts.

Daniel Huser also acts as arbitrator under institutional and ad hoc arbitration rules.

Commercial Law

Huser Arbitration & Commercial Law advises clients in commercial law matters.

The services include negotiating and drafting contracts and
the preparation of legal documents necessary for commercial transactions.

In contentious matters, the firm represents the client’s interests before arbitral tribunals and state courts or assists in the facilitation of out of court settlements.

Huser Arbitration & Commercial Law also delivers expert opinions related to commercial law matters under Swiss law or international legal instruments such as the CISG or the UNIDROIT Principles.


Practical Experience

Arbitration and Commercial Law are Daniel Huser’s main professional interests and expertise.

Daniel Huser worked at the Secretariat of the ICC Court of Arbitration in Paris, France and was involved in the administration of 150 ICC arbitration cases related to a wide range of economic sectors including pharmaceuticals, telecommunications and construction.

In a law firm with focus on dispute resolution based in Zurich, Switzerland, he acted as co-counsel and administrative secretary in arbitration proceedings conducted under the rules of different arbitration institutions, such as ICC, SCAI and VIAC.

Daniel Huser also obtained work experience as lawyer with the arbitration department of a major international law firm in Wellington, New Zealand.

Daniel Huser’s experience includes arbitration and litigation proceedings related to International Sales Agreements, License Agreements, Distribution Agreements, Joint Venture Agreements, Share Purchase Agreements and Share Holders Agreements assessed under the substantive laws of Switzerland, Germany and Austria, in particular.

Education and Interests

Daniel Huser holds a doctoral degree from the University of Basel, Switzerland with a thesis submitted on the topic of international sales and commercial arbitration law.

In addition, he completed LL.M. studies at Victoria University of Wellington,
New Zealand with focus on international commercial arbitration.

Daniel Huser is admitted to all courts in Switzerland.

Daniel Huser speaks and writes German and English and is also proficient in the French language.

He is a member of the ICC World Business Institution, ASA and DIS 40.

Daniel Huser is endorsed by ICC Switzerland and VIAC as arbitrator.

In his leisure time Daniel Huser is an avid flyfisher and fencer.

Recent Cases 

Acting as Co-Counsel for a pharmaceutical company in institutional arbitral proceedings with seat in Switzerland.

Legal representative of a multinational construction company in contractual disputes before a Swiss court.

Co-arbitrator in institutional arbitral proceedings related to a License Agreement between an asian and european party active in the building industry.

Daniel Huser acts as Sole Arbitrator in institutional arbitral proceedings with seat in Zurich related to a Share Purchase Agreement.

Acting as co-counsel in an arbitration seated in Switzerland related to a Joint Venture Agreement in the tourism sector with an amount in dispute of USD 20 million.

Representing shareholders of a New Media company in Swiss court proceedings related to a Share Holders Agreement.

Daniel Huser is acting as Sole Arbitrator in institutional arbitration proceedings with seat in Copenhagen related to a License Agreement.

Furthermore, the law firm is representing a German High-Tech-Company in disputes related to a Joint-Venture project before State courts.

Advising a company active in the food industry in contract negotiations related to a Joint-Venture project with an Asian company.

Advising a multinational trading company regarding Swiss regulatory compliance and Swiss company law.

Representing a German Hight-Tech-Company in Swiss litigation proceedings regarding a Joint-Venture project in the field of renewable energies.

Advising a German company active in the textile industry regarding Swiss agency law.

Recent Publications

Determining the Relevant Limitation Period for International Sales Contracts before International Arbitral Tribunals (ASA Bulletin, Vol. 4, 2015)

Workshop “Trade Sanctions and International Arbitration” (SchiedsVZ, Vol. 1, 2016)